
Why reducing emissions is a good thing to do, but not the right thing to do
Reducing emissions can never solve the problem of rising global temperatures. The only way to achieve this is by the direct extraction of CO

Are regulators doing the wrong thing?
Many recipients of a service - such as elderly care - can't judge whether the service provision is good or bad. And even if they can, th

A fairy tale for our times
A parable in which a young doctor, whose only wish is to look after her patients, is under pressure to run a financial budget too...

Writer's block
A parable showing how Arthur Koestler's insight - that creativity is all about forming new patterns from pre-existing components - actu

The story of Fred, Marc and Bert
Creativity and innovation are fragile, and all good ideas require backing. But what happens when 'the boss' thinks the idea is stupi

The infirmary at the end of the universe
Lemuel Gulliver goes on another travel, and discovers a strange land where the health service never overspends its budget...